Clinical Trials

IoT and new digital technologies are transforming the way companies approach clinical developments and trials

New technology means there is an ever-increasing volume of data captured in clinical trials, meaning trial sponsors and manufacturers need new approaches to manage trials.

Advances in technology mean it is now easier to continually collect patient-generated data (either auto-recorded via IoT devices or self-recorded via apps). However, managing and drawing insight from such volumes of data can be challenging. New tools and methods for managing data continue to emerge and organisations adapt to include a wider range of data tools into their teams.

From improving patient communication, increasing the statistical relevance of data sets, and reducing manual output to driving greater product value, there are many ways your sponsors and manufacturers can utilise technology to improve clinical trials. There are effective applications for improving patient adherence, managing cold chain distribution and even moving to manufacturing with batches of one. All powered by big data.

Wyoming are adept at managing dissimilar data sources to surface valuable insights through models, dashboards and visualisations. We can support you with data planning, workflow automation and technology development, as well as harnessing the power of insights to make the most of your patient data. We take a design-led approach to understand the discrete needs of separate teams and figure out how to place the right information in the hands of those that need it, at the time they need it. This helps you engage teams, drive innovation, and deliver trials efficiently.

Get in touch with us today to find out more about how we can support you.

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Customer Research & UX Design

We’ll get to know your audience and articulate their needs and challenges, and from that, create seamless and accessible digital experiences.

Explore more digital projects

Clinical Trials CDMO improves data access for customers. We developed a secure portal, providing real-time access to clinical trial manufacturing and distribution information.

Embrace Digital Transformation

The ability to capture vast quantities of data and to use that data to develop smart digital tools dramatically enhances the scale of services you can offer.

We’ll help you implement digital technology in a way which is aligned with the unique nature of your organisation.